The past 2 weeks the Special Subcommittee of the Joint Transportation Committee has heard from ODOT concerning the “Logistics of Toll Collection” and “Toll Rates.” Many of these points have been raised over the past 2 years but then revisiting the same topic never gets old. It just gets hung out to dry.
Do listen to the last meeting if you can. Both are about one hour and 40 minutes each but worth the listen… as is this weeks podcast with Clackamas County Commissioner Ben West.
In Short
Article 1 - This first article is the Slide Deck and video from 2-16-23, the topic, Logistics of Toll Collection.
Notes… slide 12, Toll Rate board is 100 yds before gantry… with no chance to bail out off I-205, Slide 17 - Kiosks, at a cost of up to $100K are considered, Slide 25 - Outreach to 5,000 customers (.025% of the Tri-County area) and Slide 40 - who will operate the toll system… Ferrovial, a foreign company, already doing business with ODOT… might be named.
Article 2 - This is ODOT’s Slide Deck and video from 2-23-24, the topic, Toll Rates.
This meeting had a few surprises and we make note of time marks on the video. At the 5min. mark road maintenance costs for the Abernethy Bridge will come out of tolling… not the regular O&M budget, at 6min. admin costs for Abernethy will be around 33%, at 12min. the gas tax is a beautiful tax (cheap to operate), and at 1hr 13min-17min. Abernethy tolling will not curb traffic congestion on I-205 without adding a 3rd lane or tolling the rest of I-205 to Stafford Road.
Weekly Articles
ODOT Slide Deck for Subcommittee, 2-16-23
Video of the 2-16-23 Subcommittee meeting
Great job, as usual! Thank you for staying on top of these extremely important details regarding how ODOT wants to pick the pockets of the people!