Looking Over Our Shoulder... and Ahead of Us...
Reviewing the foundation for what is in front of us...
Reflection can be a great source of strength. The successes of our past help bolster our present… and our failures can motivate us to move forward with lessons learned while keeping our eyes on the ball.
Vacations are getting inserted into the last few weeks of Summer and most offices seem quiet. But,
knowing that there is much going on behind the scenes, we point you to what is going on with ODOT, trucking and with us, at OregonTollingUpdates.
In Short
Article 1 - This calendar, though fluid, lists the ODOT’s forthcoming meetings. If you ever wondered when and where an ODOT meeting might take place, this calendar should hold most of those answers. Note… it is a bit quiet…
Article 2 - Trucking has a huge interest in Oregon’s transportation funding mechanism. The amount of money spent shipping commerce is not lost on us either, as we absorb the cost at checkout.
This Reason Foundation article highlights issues the truckers have with tolling. A good read on these current issues.
Article 3 - The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce’s’ Business Advocacy Council is what is behind… well. business advocacy. That is how Oregontollingupdates got started… because we support our businesses.
On September 22nd, we will present a Key Leaders Breakfast on Transportation. Next week we will present the panel that will answer questions on Regional Transportation and funding updates.
For more information and/or to buy tickets… register at chamber.tualatinchamber.com/events - click on calendar, go to month September, date Friday 22. Registration closes Friday, September 15.
You can also email the editor at Daniel@tualatinchamber.com
Weekly Articles
The trucking industry has a few issues with tolling...
SAVE THE DATE… Summary in Article 3 above.